We have enough players for Jan 8. Please (email) or 301-595-5744 to get on the Wait List.
Please (email) or make changes to this Proposed Jan 8,2011 Schedule.
Are players getting enough (variety)?
Other formats of this schedule are (here) and (here)
Go to (Jan,Feb sign up page)

How about six 20-minute King of Mountain (Ladder) sessions at 10:00?

Colesville Tennis Ladder: Socials
Schedule – Version 1
Make changes below

To restore to a previous version of the Schedule,
enter the version number below:
Colesville Tennis Ladder: Socials
Players - Version 16
Make changes below

To restore to a previous version of Players Names
enter the version number below:

If there are suggestions for changes please Email or 301-595-5744 or try making the changes above.