Jan 13,2007 Social

Can we try a different format at 10:20 or 11:00?
How about: First To 4, Win By One No Ad Mini Sets?.

Winners stay on the court and maybe split up.
Losers get back in line and maybe get a new partner for next time.

This way we might get closer match ups and bad match ups won't last so long.

If this works out, we can try this format at the Feb 10 social
and we won't need a schedule with bad match ups!

Please email or 301-595-5744 if you'd be willing to participate in this experiment.
Please email or 301-595-5744 don't want to experiment,
but want to sign up for 10:20 and later play.

On the schedule,
NickNames in blue and * after their NickNames want to experiment.
NickNames in green and ^ after their NickNames don't want to experiment.
NickNames in purple and ? will do either.

You can, of course, cancel out if you sign up and want to cancel out.

Please email if you want your nickname
changed to a special color regardless of when you are playing.

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