Colesville Tennis Ladder
FREE: Challenge somebody to join
Questions etc: email or 301-595-5744
Last updated March 1,2023
Ladders run from Apr 15 until Oct 15
Last Year's (2022) Matches.
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Enter 2023 Match Results Here:
Colesville Tennis Ladder Matches
    1.OS - 09/01 99.Winner > 01.Loser score
Drop-In Tennis:
Send (email) or call 301-595-5744 to get on the email lists.
1) White Oak Middle School ( map )
Sundays 9:30 am-ish - Just show up.
2) Greenbelt,MD Braden Field Tennis Courts ( map )
M-W-F noon-ish – Sats,Suns 10am-ish - Just show up.
(Tennis Volleys Ladder)
(Rope Jumps Ladder)
Open Singles Ladder
Last updated March 1,2023
Blue played an Sep/Oct 2022 Match
Doubles ===>
Name(level) W-L
- Stan Gasasira(4.0) (email)
- Sam Lawhcharoen 2-0 (email)
- Rich Majewski(2.8)0-2 (email)
Below didn't play a 2022 Match:
- John Nicolosi (email)
- Yulan Jin (email)
Below didn't play a 2021 Match:
- John Prakash (email)
- Chris Abbuehl (email)
- Peter Oestreich (email)
- Andrew Nicolosi (email)
- Mike Hancock (email)
- Melvin Howard(3.5) (email)
- George Howard(3.5) (email)
- Ted Sholar (email)
- RS Venkalachalam (email)
- Asif Mirza (email)
- Steve Allen (email)
- Ira Thompson (email)
- Clever Salazar(4.0) (email)
- Farshid Moghimi (email)
- Eric Manas(4.0) (email)
- Mikhael Cohn (email)
- Ed Appiah (email)
- Jovian Lubis (email)
- JJ Nathan (email)
- Alex Gerson (email)
- Mario Theranus (email)
CTL doesn't have any more money
for Charity Donations.
  (More about Charity Donations)  
Should we have prizes?
For most active players?
How about (pi t-shirts)?
Please email
or 301-595-5744
Open Doubles Ladder
Final 2019 Standings
Green played a Sep/Oct 2019 Match
- Stan Gasasira(4.5) . .John Nicolosi(3.5). . . (email)
- Jean Paul . . . . . . Farshid Moghimi . . 1-0 (email)
- Clever Salazar. . . . Rich Majewski(3.0). 0-1 (email)
- Jean Paul . . . . . . Rich Majewski(3.0). 1-0 (email)
- Clever Salazar. . . . Farshid Moghimi . . 0-1 (email)
Players below didn't play a Sep/Oct match:
- Ira Thompson . . . . .Clever Salazar(4.0) 1-0 (email)
- George Howard(3.5). . Richard Ulf(3.5). . 0-1 (email)
- Scott Lutrey . . . . .Clever Salazar(4.0) 1-0 (email)
- Farshid Moghimi(3.1). Rich Majewski(3.1). 0-1 (email)
- Stan Gasasira . . . . Asif Mirza. . . . . . . (email)
- Steve Allen . . . . . Joe Skillman. . . . . . (email)
- Stan Gasasira . . . . Flora Peitzmeier. . . . (email)
- Steve Allen . . . . . Mark Peitzmeier . . . . (email)
- Brett Otero . . . . . JJ Nathan . . . . . . . (email)
- Stan Gasasira(4.5) . .Medaris Banks . . . . . (email)
- Stan Gasasira(4.5) . .Bob Weaver. . . . . . . (email)
- Melvin Jones(3.5). . .Steve Allen . . . . . . (email)
- Neville Platt . . . . Pete Hotchkiss. . . . . (email)
- Neville Platt(3.0) . .Clever Salazar(3.5) . . (email)
- Dean Ogata(2.6). . . .Rich Majewski(3.0). . . (email)
- Pete Corran(3.5). . . Peter Brocenos. . . . . (email)